Tuesday, June 24, 2008 today i accidentally took dao han's homework home and we live miles away so i mailed him the questions then i chatted with one of my classmatez while doing maths andway signing off vry late already pb 12.01 24june2008 Join Black
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8:59 AM Monday, June 23, 2008 once a scout always a scout.zzzzzzzzzzzz.........................bad day today.....it just can't seem to be right... some dazzz i do well while some dazz i don't but always there will be fellow scoutz and friendszz current and ex classmatesz who will keep me going ....work harder ..lesser game time ,gotta catch up .Lotz to catch up on . guess i am ................................................. signing off .......... 23june08 9.57 Join Black
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6:49 AM Sunday, June 22, 2008 firstly the time shown when i blogged is fake so i will put time and date of my post at the end of my post. Next i owned my english teacher a task of finding fifty words and write out the meanings and form sentences...........so i went online and got my work done(actually it is last minute work:O........... haha my friends ...finally i teck chye -pb wish all of u ppl a great sem ahead :P signing offfzzz pb 22 june 2008 10.44pm Join Black
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7:39 AM Saturday, June 21, 2008 start posting Today i went for my scout meeting . This was what we did, running the circumference of SINgaPoRE POLYtechniC, after that, Went back to newtown sec to do 30 push ups and 20 crouches.The distance we ran was about 2.2 km .Wow ,felt vry gd after exercise. Oh by the way,sp is beside newtown sec signing off pb-ttc 21/6/08 4.15pm Join Black
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1:27 AM |
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