Friday, October 17, 2008 Join Black
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6:02 AM Thursday, October 16, 2008 k i AM really fucking hell pissed off by your fucked up attitude U TALK SO MUCH fucking cock ........... u believe what others say uand then you talking and talking without knowing anything u really need not say such discouraging words those words of yours at times was really unnecessary what you said about my sch ....@#@# i will never be able to forget something like that !!!!! my sch lousy what do you noe ? u knew nothing about the place i learn what true friendship was u say it was lousy .was that comment necessary huh so wat if you went to a sch with the best equipment huh so ...... i was just trying to tell you how it is back at my old sch right you agreed that someone was sarcastic but wat about you huh aren't you the same not much better those judgement of others and remarks and comments how much better are you i wouldn't say i 'm gd but i just want to let you noe that i would like you to change i want to have a gd friends who can be just simple with anything others say ,need not give such comments to his friends and judging others last point if you really want to judge others LOOK DEEP INTO THE MIRROR AND JUDGE HOW GD ARE YOU simple,pure,innocence and honesty are one of the best things that one can learn and expect frm his or her friends :P Join Black
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5:20 AM Monday, October 13, 2008 lo sch so sian examz coming and i must mugg i want to be more pro in badminton and basketball now , i'm the noobest of all ......... anyway to keep myself happy ,i have been improving tis semester compared to last semester gd job .... :P keep it up time shows a man's true colors :P Join Black
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11:13 PM k seriously girls are SO VERY WEIRD first they argue over each other's mistakes then realize they should change for each other k no more commenting... today was generally gd but i felt very tired coz yesterday used the computer for the whole revise and mugg like nerd for chemistry lol so about today , very tired and slept in the hall for a short while on the the chairs ........ i hate myself sometimes for being unactive , but i also hate myself coz once i get active , it is difficult to have myself calmed down yeah examz gonna be all over on 31 OCTOBER 1pm :P :P :P so happy ...after that , me ,fong and dao han MIGHT just go watch a movie MIGHT but i 'm supposedly going out with ex-classmates lol anyway ,the ppl whom i all noe most of them are just so cool silence is golden :P Join Black
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5:35 AM Thursday, October 9, 2008 I should have told you about myself . But i did not know how to put it into . It was very difficult to explain to you about me . I tried but failed. I asked you but you did not really give a damn about it . I don't blame you , you did not know about it , you did not know how it would have affect my life. You thought that i was simply another idiot who did retarded stuff and suck up to people and you said i was a flirt . But i just do not get what is your definition of such terms ..... WHY why is it that you people just get to understand its full meaning . I agree that i'm still immature and YOu aRe very mature ... i just hope that you would try to understand me more . TILL now i donot know what you think of me ....... i wish you gd luck in maintaining your c. a. p and in all other aspects of life . Join Black
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7:22 AM i'm sorry for being violent ...maybe i really can't control my temper after being provoked by you .....but some of your comments at times are unnecessary and it is vry hurting though u don't seem to know. Although you wanted me to play bball today and both of us were late ,i can't blame you as i had agree to join you.... anyway i want you to know some comments of your is really hurting therefore i hope you would keep it to yourself. And thks for advicing especially for taking the time to help me wit my maths . Even though u think that u are not as gd as my old sch friends , i still feel that you are very helpful. Your openness has help me to realize my folly thks Join Black
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7:12 AM |
The Exorcist Tan Teck Chye 13 11/7/1995 montfort 2002-2007 nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Likes nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Dislikes lOSING INNOCENCE Tagboard eX0rCiStS Another blog M08101 M08102 M08103 M08104 M08105 M08106 M08107 BKC luther mok lester koh joash marcus darren leong 6b 2007rawks aisyah-m08101 wei tieng samantha daryl-107 serene simin Archives +May 2008+ +June 2008+ +August 2008+ +September 2008+ +October 2008+ +November 2008+ +December 2008+ +January 2009+ +February 2009+ +March 2009+ Credits Minzhuang Picture Blogskins Music allenwalker :P |