Friday, December 19, 2008 Your real name: Tan teck chye Age: 13 Height: 165cm Weight:around 50 Natural hair colour:dark brown Eye colour: black Skin color: tanned Glasses/contacts?: glasses Piercings: none Tattoos: might Braces: yeah Mannerisms: ok /bad ?? Other distinctive markings: a bloody big joke FAVOURITE Colour: blue / black Band: no Video game: nothing Movie: harry potter,narnia,alot more Book: roald dahl and j.k rowling Food: alot. Game on cell phone: none. CD: none. Flower: none Scent: NONE Animal:bears ,polar and panda Comic book: none Cereal: none Cartoon:avatar legend of Aang ,danny phantom DO YOU Play an instrument?: no Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: should be Like to sing?:nah Have a job?:probably part time Have a cell phone?: nah Like to play sports?: yes Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no Have a crush on someone?: used to Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: YA Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: hell no Have any special talents/skills?:running and joking around Exercise daily?:not really Like school?: sometimes. CAN YOU Sing the alphabet backwards?: nope Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: sure Speak any other languages?: dialect Go a day without food?:? Remember your dreams: ? Read music, not just tabs?: no Roll your tongue?:yup Eat a whole pizza?:swallow ? HAVE YOU EVER Won something in the lottery?: no Snuck out of the house?: no Lied to get out of trouble?: yes Had a computer crash?: yes Gotten lost in your city?: no Seen a shooting star?: no Been to any other countries?: malaysia n china Had a serious surgery?: when i was a baby Stolen something important to someone else?: no Solved a rubiks cube?: nah Gone out in public in your pajamas? no Cried over a girl?: no Cried over a boy?: no Kissed a random stranger?: no Hugged a random stranger?: no Been in a fist fight?: no Been arrested?: No. Done drugs?: No. Had alcohol?: no Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: no Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:sure many times Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom?: no Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:might have Swore at your parents?: ya Kicked a guy where it hurts?: might have when i was younger Been to a casino?: no Ran over an animal and killed it?: rather slamm a pole to kill it Broken a bone?: No Gotten stitches?:yes Had a water balloon fight in winter?: no Made homemade muffins?: no Bitten someone?:might Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: no Burped in someone’s face?: no WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU Brushed your teeth: today Cried:years Went to the bathroom:half hour Saw a movie in a theatre:weeks Read a book:yesterday Had a snow day: nvr. Had a party:tomorrow? Went to a doctor:? months Tripped in front of someone: months Went to the grocery store:weeks Got sick: ? Got cursed: ? Called someone:like calling out or telephone??? DO YOU PREFER Fruit/vegetables: Fruit Black/white: both Lights on/lights off: erm. both. depends TV/movie: both? Body spray/lotion: Body spray. Cash/check: Cash. Pillows/blankets: both Headache/stomach ache: neither. both are terrible. Paint/charcoal:both Chinese food/Mexican food:both Summer/winter:summer depends,with a girl , winter it would be Snow/rain: Rain. Fog/misty: Misty. Rock/rap: rap Meat/vegetarian: Meat. Chocolate/vanilla: chocolate Sprinkles/icing: both suck Cake/pie:pie Strawberries/blueberries: none. Ocean/swimming pool: swimming pool Cookies/muffins: cookies Wallet/pocket: wallet Window/door: window Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: none Pink/purple: none Cat/dog:bear Long sleeve/short sleeve: short sleeve.well. depends. Pants/shorts: pants.both Winter break/spring break: spring break Spring/autumn:spring Clouds/clear sky:clear sky Moon/mars: moon Questions/Answers: answers War/Peace: Peace. LOVE AND ALL THAT CRAP Do you believe in love?:not really What's the most important kind of love for you?: motherly Have you ever been in love?:nah Been close to love?: yes If you have, with who?: years back, forgot Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: no Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: no Are you in a relationship?: no. If so, for how long?: n/a Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:might What is your idea of the best date?:not sure What was your first kiss like?:havent have one How old were you when you got your first kiss?:haven have one Do you think love is worth nothing?: not really Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex: conversation ,always lol If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: no Have you ever been dumped?: no Have you ever dumped someone?: no I... Am:boy Want:?? Need: play com Love: my friends and family Hate:me Feel:?? Did: this quiz. Miss: someone. Am annoyed by: someone. Would rather: play neopets Am tired of: being upset. Will always: chat MISCELLANEOUS What is your favourite genre of music?: none What time is it now?:23:29 hr How much money do you have right now?: ?? Are you hungry right now?: slightly What are you doing right now?: this quiz-.- Do you like parades?:yes national day Do you like the moon?: yeah What are you going to do when you're done with this?: chat lor. If you could have any magical power what would it be?:none i wont want any DO YOU THINK YOU ARE Funny?:a little Cool?: nah Pretty?: no Sarcastic?: a little Lazy?: yes Hyper?: yes Friendly?: yes Evil?:not really Unforgettable?:.... Smart?: no Strong?: not really Talented?: not really Dorky?: yes WHAT COMES TO MIND WITH THE WORD High:temperature Lonely:kid Pen: color Flower: bees Window:plane Psycho:pedophile Brain freeze: ice cream Strange: weird. Sassy: ?? Suffering: everyone on earth Art: abstract WOULD YOU EVER Sky dive?:yes Run away?: might Curse at a teacher?: yes Not take a shower for a week?:might Ask someone out?: probably Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?:will Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:rather be true Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: might Go scuba diving?: yes Write a book?: might Assemble a computer?: probably Become a rock star?: nah Have a long-distance relationship?: maybe Marry someone you don't know?:might LAST QUESTIONS What kind of computer do you have?: dell Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: no Who else should take this quiz?: no one coz waste time :P :D Join Black
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7:09 AM Thursday, December 4, 2008 Choose EIGHT random people. 1. luther 2. wayne 3. yu fong 4. joash 5. dao han 6. aisyah 7. simin 8. Samantha The Questions &How did you meet 6? { aisyah} orientation &Why are you friends with 3? {yu fong} not sure basketball??? &Is 7 in a relationship? {simin} might ??? :P. &Have you kissed 1? {luther} yikes hug might :P &Have you hugged 4? {joash} might?? &Have you done anything sexual with 6? {aisyah} HELL NO &Would 1 and 8 make a good couple? {Luther & Samantha} might both have brains but frm wat i noe 1 doesn't like 8 &How long have you know 2? {wayne} six :P &Would you ever kiss 7? {simin } NO!!! &Whats a good memory with 5? {dao han} hmm nothing........ &Ever hugged 8? {samantha} erm no &Do you love 4? {joash} nah he has gf lol &Is 5 nice? {daohan} not really but half the time ......yes? &How did you meet 3? {yu fong} same class, play bball and soccer &Who makes you laugh? well lets see erm 1,2,4,6,8 &Who makes you smile? 1,2,4 coz they have been with me for at least 4 yrs :D &When was the last time you saw 4? {Nikki} erm montfort's primary six's campfire night &Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple? {Yu Fong & Aisyah} sounds cool &Does 8 love you? {samantha} nah said i was immature lol :D &Do you see 3 a lot? {} no. haven seen him since last day in sch &Describe 4 in 3 words?{joash} cool ,flirt , friendly &What would you buy 1 for their birthday? {Luther} not sure ??? a really gd shoe for triple jump :D :P &Have you traveled anywhere with 5? {dao han} to plaza sing and sarimbun scout camp :P &Do you have fun with 7? {simin} nah only went out as a group to watch movie no fun lol &Is 2 a cool person? {wayne} sure you might want to repeat that :P :D &Who is the loudest? haha lols so easy yu fong &Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes? yes &Do you know when 6's birthday is? {aisyah} lets see erm day be fore halloween 30 october :P &What do you really think of 3? {yu fong} not sure but he gives hoest and true advise alittle violent sort of lol but he's really nice :P :D &Best memory with 4? {joash} not sure...playing basketball hugging gf lol &Does 1 even know you? {Luther} of course noe him for six years &Is 5 happy? {dao han} currently i dont knw. i guess so :D &Does 7 live close? {nah} at least 10 km away &Do you have any classes with 2? {wayne} nah not in same sch &Have you and 3 ever hooked up? {yu fong} that would be sick &Are you and 8 close? {samantha} No &Do you wanna kiss 4? {joash} nah he's got a girl friend to do it &Is 6 a good person? {aisyah} sort of k yes &Does 2 own a car? {wayne} No &How did you choose your Top 8? those who i always talk to :D and particularly 1,2 and 4 for always standing by me :P Join Black
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6:32 AM |
The Exorcist Tan Teck Chye 13 11/7/1995 montfort 2002-2007 nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Likes nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Dislikes lOSING INNOCENCE Tagboard eX0rCiStS Another blog M08101 M08102 M08103 M08104 M08105 M08106 M08107 BKC luther mok lester koh joash marcus darren leong 6b 2007rawks aisyah-m08101 wei tieng samantha daryl-107 serene simin Archives +May 2008+ +June 2008+ +August 2008+ +September 2008+ +October 2008+ +November 2008+ +December 2008+ +January 2009+ +February 2009+ +March 2009+ Credits Minzhuang Picture Blogskins Music allenwalker :P |