Tuesday, January 13, 2009 #1 luther #2 aisyah #3 samantha #4 Simin #5 wayne Do you like or love 1? [luther] Both :P Why is number 1 your 1? [luther] becAuse he is my number one friend:P What\'s your relationship with 5? [wayne] my brother :D miss him Are any of them going out? not sure Have you kissed any of them? nah. If so did you enjoy it? not sure Whould 1 and 4 make a good couple? [luther and simin] might ?? How long have you been friends with 2? [aisyah] a year or so. Have you ever seen 3 in a swimsuit? [samantha] er did i ?? Would you ever date 5? [wayne] hope to Who would you do anything for? all of them. yes , Do you know 4's middle name? [Simin] Leow Simin.. Are 1 and 2 friends? [luther and aisyah]nah they don't noe each other Have you ever slept in the same bed as 3? [samantha] erm no NO What would you do if 3 and 1 were dating? [luther and samantha] be happy :D Are they all virgins? yup If no, then who? ... Describe 1 in 3 ways? [luther] lets see.. smart cool easy going :P :D :D Describe 4 in 3 ways? [Simin] ahh. kind smart quiet :D Who's the funniest? wayne Who's the hottest? luther:D Who would you rather hang out with for 1 week straight? all ..... Who can you trust the most? lets see luther and wayne Who was the last person you texted? none :D Join Black
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4:40 AM Monday, January 12, 2009
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4:41 AM
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4:09 AM
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4:02 AM
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4:01 AM Thursday, January 8, 2009 So sch have started ,so have lessons argh then there we have it ,a new seating arrangement wonderfully arranged by some ppl with some SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONs by the BEST mentor i ever had wow schs GOOD anyway classmates shall not comment anyway the guys are always hmm the same lol so are the girls kind as ever lol as for teachers some are of course better than the others. and here i would like to thk my classmates for being my classmates for one whole year time passes quickly soon another year will pass quickly i miss my ex classmates :P argh guys i seriously need to find time to meet up and play badminton HERE i would like to say this is the time where sch suck alot cos the timetable is so irregular therefore i rarely get to meet up with ex classmates partly cos my com has some prob then i hve no msn lol i really miss montfort ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway tomorrow is CCA fair lol recruiting students will be tough ...... oh and ppl you will see dao hans face on a banner him in a go- kart with a gay black helmet lol scout scouts just so time consuming ................ i just miss old sch coz students in neighbourhood schs are so much more ........... better to get along with as in anyway i always felt that nush students are always to smart for themselves i might be to dumb for myself k my post has got no link at certain parts ..........To FORGIVE AND FORGET............... thats hard coz how many ppl do you noe who are able to do that after being smashed in the face and to forgive and forget after arguements and fights even because it started just as a joke for the sake of a little entertainment just getting angry and being furious all for nothing meaningless Join Black
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5:11 AM Sunday, January 4, 2009 So a new year started and so it has been an eventful holiday went fishing and stayed at home lol but then fishing was a real adventure geez unfortunately i didn't have the fortune to catch a fish hee lol :D NEW YEAR RESOLUTION to have higher cap to get another year of double gold ( 2.4 km and sports day's 1500m) to grow up to be a PL (patrol leader)scouts ........ to open my mouth lesser k/to close it rather to be able not to use vulgarities to given rather than to take to close my damn mouth if nothing nice comes out' to thank sean seet for introducing me to a wonderful book like Leonardo's shadow thks sean to be happy and have yr 1 friends NEW YEAR so lets see mentor : new teacher subject teacher : new ones principal: same staff : remained the same although Mr fadhir left students : new yr ones class mates : no new ones so first day of sch was boring those talks and blah blah yu fong and dao han weren't listening (obviously).... so they had to ask me blah blah then talks again wow:( then new mentor rep simin and gabriel CONGRATS :D :P wishing both of you gd luck yup to gabriel : do yr best :P to simin : be more daring not soft k to everyone else HAPPY NEW YEAR :P to old classmates :hope to see you guys soon :P QUOTE :" it is best to keep quiet if you have nothing nice to say " Join Black
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6:09 AM |
The Exorcist Tan Teck Chye 13 11/7/1995 montfort 2002-2007 nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Likes nush 2008-? my friends and sports nothing in particular wish for higher C.A.P and a basketball LOL Dislikes lOSING INNOCENCE Tagboard eX0rCiStS Another blog M08101 M08102 M08103 M08104 M08105 M08106 M08107 BKC luther mok lester koh joash marcus darren leong 6b 2007rawks aisyah-m08101 wei tieng samantha daryl-107 serene simin Archives +May 2008+ +June 2008+ +August 2008+ +September 2008+ +October 2008+ +November 2008+ +December 2008+ +January 2009+ +February 2009+ +March 2009+ Credits Minzhuang Picture Blogskins Music allenwalker :P |